Many Faces, Many Thoughts
A Full Moon in Pisces on Monday makes for an exciting time socially, PAUL. But don't get too worked up, as Mars is also going to oppose it. You and others might be rather on edge. Take care, as you could overreact, and perhaps make a fool of yourself just when you least want to. Pluto also turns direct on this day, and this means that a powerful force gets set in motion once again. If you have experienced an overall slowing down in your joint financial affairs, then things will speed up quite dramatically. Venus, your ruling planet, conjuncts Saturn on Tuesday, so you might feel slightly hard up, or notice that cash is short, but this will be temporary. On Thursday Venus sextiles Jupiter and Mercury turns direct, which is very promising for everything. You can now get on with all those projects that have been delayed, especially if you have been having particular worries about issues at home. This is great news, and a great day for just getting on with it all. You should also receive some information that has proved hard to get a hold of, and this too will have a very positive effect upon you. Now it really is full steam ahead!
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