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the above dog is husky, taken when i was at my friend's gf bday at his home. this dog belong to his friend, was there when my friend's friend was there.
haha he kept on licking me non stop, make me shouting help help...lolx...
then last weekend met adolf watch 2 movies, knocked up and simpsons movie. i think knocked up is nicer. haha.
then we went to the old crew room to drink some beer watch soccer... haha the place there i think quite nice.
i decided to quit crew go liquid gold liao... haha...
Last weekend met up with adolf la kopi... then dinner at selegie then drink at crew with loner and adolf.
We left like 80% of the bourbon, then we like finish everything from 8pm til 3plus...
Play cards.... nice game.. then sing like no tomorrow.. i sing Feng by Jay... standing high... with alcohol flowing in my veins... so shiok... and high...
haha.. then went home after that with a hangover...
then sunday went kovan buy psp... quite fun to play next time can surf net at home... lol....
Last weekend went to Steven and his wife, Sufen wedding. One was held at a church at Selegie. The church ceremory was nice and peaceful, love the enviornment. And I was there with WL and his gf. Haha. Steven me and WL were used to be in a project group last time. So was quite close.
Then after that, wetn to grand hyratt for wedding lunch. Simple 8 course dinner with lovely words from Steven's wife. haha.
Then after that met adolf, kopi, chat, crew then go to watch the transformers!
Wooo it is a must see movie... nice....
Anyway, congrats to Steven and his wife, have a everlasting marriage together!