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Last sat met up with adolf, we went to Labador Park. We go visit the old World War 2 tunnels that is recently reopened by Singapore Government during 2005 when they discovered it by accident when they are thinking to redevelop the park.
We are supposed to get in for $8.40 per person. But due to the rain, we needed to wait for around 20 minutes before we were allowed to get in. So the tour guide let us go in for free. But the 2 ang mos behind us need to pay... lolx.
The below photographs show how it is look like from outside:
Let me show you all how is inside look like. Look kinda raw.
We were brought around the tunnels, with the guide. Showed where they put their guns, how they use the pulley system to pull the bullets up to the top. Show us a few wax figures on how the lives of the people there are like. Very dramatic.
Then after that we went on a trail after visiting the tunnels, plus a drink at the olive resturant.
We found a old World War 2 storeroom for ammo. Another tunnel which is locked....