me sat went out with adolf... went chinatown walk walk... then eat lunch there... a small resturant at a corner... regret it... should have went to maxwell to eat sia... haha...
then i and him go to ps... walk walk a bit, thinking of watching fearless, but the show not yet start... and i not stupid too late liao... so never watch... went shopping... i bought ye shi rong wing new album called ye zi hong le, meaning the leave turning red...

then he bought the myth soundtrack.. he telling me he is learning to sing the song by jackie.. haha
then after that went to the tcc outsdie ps and have lunch... me eat salad. recently no wei kou for much food... and limited also... dunno why... maybe sick ba...
then last min-ly, adolf say lets go crew room to lim jiu... for me i anything... then we decided to find ppl to join not much ppl free, then lastly we found my 3 mei mei to come... jes, teng and kat.... haha...adolf in the end buay tahan them and leave early.... but then they are like only 2 yrs diff and i and the girls like 10 years diff, and i talk to them more....
drank bourbon coke, bailey on the rock and gin tonic (alots).
then around 11 plus send the 3 girls home them i go home....
my head spin like crazy that night and the day after that...
lousy drinker hor...