1. sTicKyCaPs. I HaVe No IdEa wHy ThEy LoVe tO wRiTe lIke ThIs, sO IrRiTaTiNg lOrX, I dUn eVeN kNoW WhAt tHe hElL ThEy aRe wRitiNg aBoUt, aNd tHeY aRe So pROuD Of It lOlx ~
2. Are kids today having grammar problems? Or did teachers teach them to write extra letters? For example: todaee horr, thatt teaacherr verii thee cb lehh.. keepp piickiing on miie iin class.. ii dunn liike herr faccee lorr… Or are they blind or what? Can’t see that I there, so there’s a need to add an extra I? If you really can’t see, please go and get yourself a pair of spectacles in case if there’s this need of adding more extra letters in words in the future!
3. After grammar, comes the vocabulary problem. Can’t they just spell properly? Their you = euu, is = ishhh, blog = bloggie, cool = kewl, me = moii or meii, etc. If they really want to be inventors pleases invent some extraordinary words that are not being found in any dictionary instead of just changing their spelling! No wonder our English standard is dropping, hAiX~
4. In...most...blog, they love... to do...this, they....did...this...so that....their...posts...will...look longer. If...they write....until like...that...then...I suggest...that...they...might...as well....don’t....update...their...blog. What’s...the use...of writing....lots...of..craps with...lots of ...............
5. Everybody is talking about project superstar! I know that they will be their future idol, but is there a need to paste them all around blogskins? If that’s the reason then I advice this people to paste them on walls and offer them joss sticks and pray to them! Just a simple blogskin will do right? Is there even a need to paste all this idols everywhere?
6. Next is the color contrast. They love to have all sorts of bright bright blogskins, and their posts are filled with bright bright fonts, it’s really irritating because I need to highlight them in order to read all this posts! I wonder if they have special eyes that allows them to filter off bright bright colors? If not why is there a need to make your whole blog bright bright? This kind of blog people will never give a d**n about them!
7. As we know that blogs are public diaries, but I have no idea why there are people who love to use this “Anti right-click” Html. It’s not like you are a supermodel or what and people are stealing all of your pictures. If you don’t like other people to steal your pictures, then don’t post them! As easy as that. By the way, whenever there’s something which captures my attention in a blog whose owner blocks my right-click, I my ways of getting them!
Way 1. Use the “view source button”
Way 2. Use Firefox, it will allow you to right-click even if the anti right-click html is on!
(way 3. print screen, paste, cut out wat i wan, and then save)
(way 4. so IE will show a box on top left, and allow u to save one without right click)
These are some useful ways to copy people stuff even if they don’t allow. Enjoy copying!
8. No matter it’s a guy or a girl, they love to “show off” their like and dislike. Take for example, lots of them love: chocolates, ice cream, toys, etc. And dislike: back stabbers, KPKB teachers, alone, liars, perverts, etc. I wonder what makes them so different from others? Who love back stabbers, etc. Only them?
9. Cliche lines. Have you notice that they love to quote "it takes a minute to know someone, an hour to like him, a day to love him, and a lifetime to forget him". It’s so unrealistic! An hour to like someone! You must be joking with me man! No wonder there are so many “innocent” girls who proclaim that they have got cheated! Please la…life is not that simple as an hour to like someone or a day to love him! WAKE UP!!
10. I bet that there are people who think their life is a messy and everything, for example "my whole life is in a mess... family, friendship, career... i am beginning to hate myself... i am sad and lonely... when will i be able to find the right person to save me?" Please this is YOUR life, not other people’s, and you will have to save your own self instead of “Ohhh…my Romeo come and save me from all my suffering!”
11. music and video codes. Freaking annoying.
To all these kids, I'd like to say something to you:
1. A blogging guideline is provided for staff in view of the recent legal cases in Singapore where even a student has been charged with sedition.
2. In October 2005, two bloggers have been charged with sedition for posting racist comments online. A 25 year-old and a 27 year-old were accused of posting racist comments on an online forum and on their blog-site. They are both being charged with committing a seditious act, by promoting feelings of ill-will and hostility between races in Singapore. Another 17 year old, an Adventist School student also faced 7 charges of sedition. On 27 October 2005, a fourth person was convicted for blogging racist remarks.
3. Lawyers warn that anybody who forwards seditious remarks to others via email can also be charged with abetment. A person is deemed to have committed an offence under the Sedition Act if he performs any act which has a seditious tendency, or conspires with any person to do so. It is also an offence to utter any seditious words or to print, publish, sell, distribute, reproduce or import any seditious publication.
4. First time offenders can be fined up to S$5,000 or be jailed for up to three years, or both. For subsequent offences, they can be jailed for up to five years and have their seditious publications forfeited and destroyed. The Sedition Act is in Chapter 290 of the Statues of Singapore. In Sep 2005, the Sedition Act was first used when 2 men were charged for making racist remarks on the Internet.
5. For COMPANY staff who choose to create or participate in a blog or other forms of online publishing or discussion, it is very much in company’s interest and in the staff’s own interest, to be aware of this sphere of information, interaction and idea exchange.
6. The following guidelines are provided for staff with regards to blogging.
This guideline is developed to guide company staff who post or publish blogs for personal or educational purposes. It provides a roadmap for constructive, respectful, and productive dialogue between staff bloggers and others.
Personal Responsibility
Blogs and other forms of online discourse constitute a personal exchange of information. Staff are therefore personally responsible for their posts. It is important that staff are mindful that what is written will remain in the public for a long time. As such, you are advised to always protect your privacy.
Should you publish a blog or post to a blog and it has something to do with the work you do or subjects associated with the company, identify yourself with your name and, where relevant, include your role at the company. You should make it clear that you are speaking in your own personal capacity and not on behalf of the company. Use a disclaimer such as this: "The views on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer.”
Respect the company’s Confidential And Proprietary Information
Make sure you do not disclose or use company's confidential or proprietary information or that of any other person or company on any blog.
You should not use the company’s or any staff’s name to endorse or promote any product, opinion or cause.
Respect Your Audience
Be respectful to the company, fellow employees, students, customers, partners and competitors. Show proper consideration for others' privacy and topics that may be considered sensitive, objectionable or inflammatory. This includes areas such as race, politics and religion.
Respect copyright, fair comment and financial disclosure laws.
Do not cite or reference clients, partners or suppliers without their approval.
If you are writing about co-workers or posting pictures which may show them, seek their approval first. When in doubt, don't do it.
Where Intervention Is Required
Instances that may require intervention would be blogs that have content that infringe on intellectual property rights, invade privacy or carry topics that may be considered sensitive, objectionable or inflammatory, such as in matters of race, politics and religion.
Blogging issues should be resolved at the department level, with constructive counseling. Involve the company directors or designated staff counsellors. Staff shall be personally responsible for what they write.
Press Inquiries
Blog postings may also generate media coverage. If a member of the media contacts you about an company-related blog posting or requests company information of any kind, please contact the Corporate Communications Office. You should also contact the Corporate Communications Office for clarification on whether specific information relating to company has been publicly disclosed before you blog it.