last sat, i went on a tour with the SPI, walking around chinatown to see places and listen to the urban legends... quite interesting... and it is free... so wont mind about it...
first we all assembly at city hall mrt at 2pm... then we all walk to the hill st... near the old mph there... then from there go up and walk all the way til chinatown mrt... then pass the tunnel to the other side to sago lane.... then walk thru ann siang hill and all the way to china square.... quite interesting and i took quite alot of photos... which i will featured in my photoblog in these few days.... around 150 plus of them....

then after that at the evening after the activities i met up with adolf to go for dinner and drink.... we ate at the chicken mee shop opposite of chinatown point... quite nice... then took train to borders as he was looking for some books to read...
then i sat there and find a book about singapore to read as i wait for him... then he bought liao we walk to far east there buy hoon ki then took cab to cost bay.... alighted at kallang indoor stadium... and that night was cai qing concert... anyway we both not interested...
keke... then reach cosy bay, we order total of 4 jugs of housepour, for me is vodka lime and vodka orange, and for him is gin tonic... keke then we sit there talk cock, watch girls play pool, dedicate songs at the jukebox and listen and watch some soccer... lol....
around 12 plus when we finish the 4 jugs, we order 4 shots of tequlia (2 each) to drown ourself.... then we walk to outside indoor stadium.... both of us not walking staright and talking nonsense already... lolx.... then we both called cab home....
there is carpark E outside mushroom pot... must remember... next time will come in handy... and i noticed, adolf called the cab 5 min earlier than me... calling comfort... i called smrt ones... mine reach first instead of his... lolx...
then reach home concuss right away sia... too high liao....