last weekend, I went woodlands a while... then take bus to sengkang via 161 then change to train to meet up at kovan with loner, adolf and saigon for another pigout session in hougang....
i was late loh... for half an hour... the other three all there liao... then adolf pass me a pair of saf sandals he helped me to buy and the monkey i bought from the zoo last time... lolx...

then we proceed to the coffeeshop near the superbowl kovan to try out the western food... i forget to take pic until i ate all up... i think i am too hungry to think... lolx... it goes nice with my green tea...

then after that we walk to Lorang Ah Soo market... around a 20 min walk... then we go try the famous Chay Kway Diao there.... fried mee... we try out two plates.... one with lots of chilli and no Humps (for loner and adolf) and one with chilli at the side with Humps (for me and saigon)... the one with chilli is really red in color... haha, confirm alot of chillis added.... until loner buy a drink and adolf buy two drinks to get rid of the chilli... lolx....

then we decided to walk to blk 107 hawker centre to find the dian xing to eat.... but then by the time we reach there, then we know the stall is ceased to operate since after it revonation... sian.....
after this... we decided to go to hougang mall for air con and some ice cream....
i bought a pack of milo peng to drink... coz too thirsty for trying out so many food... lolx...
as we walk was chat and joke... fun sia....
we walk past the hougang park connector.... and i kanna threaten to be throw to the canal by saigon... knn... lolx
then i told them about this only block of flat in hougang perhaps the whole singapore with such a unique staircase...

then we rest a while for smoking break.... keke...
after that carry on our journey to hougang mall on foot...
before we reach secret call me and say he is joining us... i say ok meet at mac hougang mall later...
we settled down there and order 4 cone ice creams plus 4 free ice water.... later loner me and adolf order another extra water... really thristy....

then secret come... we proceed and walk to hougang blk 682 i think... for the famous 6 stone way ma chi.... order 3 plates of the ma chi and secret order his chicken wings for dinner....

after we ate finish we all decided to walk to serangoon north pasar malam to buy finger food to sit down to eat...
then we buy le sit at the void deck there to talk.... then talk til 11 plus... saigon go...
then me, loner, adolf and secret decided to go sengkang... then secret go to his home to find uno cards to play...
then we four play til 0ne plus then go.... lolx.