The Sunday times, reporter, Jeremy Au emailed me for an interview of why I selling the NDP preview tickets. Oh no I am going to be on paper.
(Mum! My hair tidy or not? Your son me going to be on papers leh!)
First letter recieved:
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 03:30:50 UT
Subject: Question to sel ler regarding e Bay Item # 6408 412461
My name is Jeremy Au Yong and I write for the Sunday edition of the
Straits Times. I noticed you and several other users both on ebay and
auctionSg are selling NDP tickets.
I am writing a story about it and would love to speak to you briefly
about why you are selling your tickets.
if you agree, do drop me a line - e-mail or call. Thanks
Jeremy Au Yong
The Sunday Times
DID: +65-63195162
MOB: +65-98278746
my first reply:
hmmm I am selling coz i got extra tickets. :) I got 6, but then I only needed 2. So might as well let others have the chance to enjoy the show.
second letter:
Jeremy Au Yong WM / wrote:
Yeah , many people are sel! ling theirs because they've got too many. Do you mind if i ask a few more questions
1. Have you been to NDP before? how many times?
2. Is this the first time you are selling tickets?
3. Where did you get the idea from?
4. How did you decide on price?
5. Finally, during balloting people are allowed to pick if they want 2,4 or 6 tickets. Why did you pick 6?
Jeremy Au Yong
The Sunday Times
DID: +65-63195162
MOB: +65-98278746
My Second reply:
1. I been thru NDP before once. at 1992.
2. yep first time selling
3. Ideas I got from the past, where i heard alot fo people sell their tixs.
4. Price? I just anyhow put. At first i put at a pir for 150, then nobody wants, so I put at 100 see how is it.
5. Actually i used 5 out of my 6 family members to ballot the tixs. And all ballot for different things. Like funpacks, previews 2 tixs, preview 6 tixs, actual days 2 tixs and actual days 4 tixs. in the end i win the 6 tixs one.
his third letter:
Jeremy Au Yong WM / wrote:
Wow, bid for so many things. did you win only 1 thing in the end? Also, when you were balloting, did you are already know you intend to sell off the things you don't need?
Lastly, sorry as a matter of protocol, I need to ask for you occupation, age and name.
! Can I use Paul Cheng, or are you known by a different name?
Jeremy Au Yong
The Sunday Times
DID: +65-63195162
MOB: +65-98278746
then after recieve this is my lunch time liao.... kinda talk with my colleuge... they ask me not to use real name later he in disgused wanna catch me...and they told me when reporter interview me, i should have some informer fees one... maybe this one later then i ask....
(mum! never mess my hair up they coming to catch me liao!)
my reply:
I never intend to sell, until I saw people start selling. And if I am not wrong it is not illegal to sell. :)
I am 27, male working in a IT firm. Just name me Paul. Dun put the surname. Thanks.
When will the report come out of the papers?
(wait for the correct time to ask)----
Jeremy Au Yong WM / wrote:
Hi Paul,
Yes, it absolutely legal to sell. Nothing wrong with it at all. NDP organisers themselves have said they will not be stopping people from selling.
Last question: Why did you ballot for so many different things?
Also, can I please use surname. Maybe, in hanyu pinyin. We don;t normally leave out the name unless there are reasons like its a criminal's family member or AIDS patient.
Jeremy Au Yong
The Sunday Times
DID: +65-63195162
MOB: +65-98278746
Aids! I crimial?! think better give u real name lah... haha... but then i never tell you my real job at all so no scare....
my reply:
Why ballot for so many? hmmmm is for like the more I try the higher chance I will win? :)
When will the report come out? This sunday?
Ok use my surname. :)
Paul Cheng
his letter again....
hI Paul,
yes this sunday. Oh yeah that's right, bid for more, higher chance of winning
Jeremy Au Yong
The Sunday Times
DID: +65-63195162
MOB: +65-98278746
People do look out for the report... and wait... i go ask him about my informer tips first... lolx.....