*repeated telecast*
NDP 2005 preview tix! I use my younger brother IC and got 6... then i using 2 to go and watch and selling 4 away...
anyone interested? please drop me a email at medicheng@gmail.com and tell me the price u wan to buy... and i only sells in 2s or 4s.... highest price wins and meetup only at my convience.... lolx

winners will be notified by email....
Happy National Day Singapore!
ever felt breathless? where like the whole world is pressuring and crashing down on you? how well can you take it? and will you be able to take it or not? maybe yes maybe no. but for me i dunno.
the pressures come to me from the surrounding. all directions. and all in random. you cannot stop them and you try to stop the more it will be hurting you.
i am bruised, how come the pressure still coming non stop?